Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Joker and the Thief

This was fun and by fun I mean lost baggage in a foreign country fun. I scaled this back for a couple of reasons. One no spotter on the bench work and two I wanted to be a functioning member of society today.
Row 1000 meters
Bench press your body weight (210lbs) 50 times. Each time you rack the weight perform 15 free squats.
Row 1000 meters.
First row came off in 4:04. The bench work sucked. Had to rack 8 times with the last rack coming with only one rep left. Second row came in at 4:34. Overall time 26m40s. This is deff a strength WOD. Not really gassed but drained strength wise. I will attempt 1500 meters and 75 reps next time.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

This. VOTD

German Volume Training

Ive been reading a bit on this type of training and I felt like this may be a nice change of pace. A way to shock my system. It focuses on one exercise per bodypart with 10 reps and 10 sets resulting in a 100 reps. It is said that the body adapts to the mass amounts of stress by hypertrophying the targeted fibers to cope with the work load. Sounds fun!
My workouts are broken into 3 days.
Workout 1 - Chest and Back
Workout 2 - Legs and Abs
Off day (Crossfit day for me)
Workout 3 - Arms and Shoulders
Off day (Crossfit again)
This is a learning process and I will tweak as needed.
Monday I completed the chest and back. I didnt complete the workout as I should have. The workout calls for my main lift to be 60% of my 1RM. I however picked a weight and moved up by 5lbs each set. Ill fix that next go round.
So the session went like this:
Rd 1 60lbs and up 5lbs each set on through 10 sets.
I superset this with t bar row. Starting with 2 plates finishing with 3 plates and a quarter. I was really feeling this by round 10.
The isolation movement after these two compounds was cable crossovers with cable pushdowns.
Finished this session with a 20 minute run.

Tuesday was legs an abs. I did the right calculations here to make sure my session was correct.
10/10 of 135lb squats. By the last few rounds my legs were just jacked.
I followed this with a leg curl session with same format. 10/10 of 85lbs.
The isolations were seated calve raises and then leg raises for abs.
To say I am a little sore is a gross understatement. Legs are hating me right now. Ill keep track to see how my workout progresses.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Let see where was I...

Last Thursday I headed to gym for a deadlift workout or as I like to call them, these sonofabitches suck.
Managed a 405 pull but without straps and chalk I had to stop. I felt strong and could have gotten more I feel. Went on to finish with some shrugs at 315 then some wide lat grip pull downs, seated rows, unassisted pullups, and then bent over flies.
I took Friday and Saturday off and was back in the gym Sunday for a good shoulder workout with a crossfit to finish it up.
Monday I knocked out squats with some lunges and concentration work. Slept like a baby. I feel as if my workouts have little structure right now. I need to get back on track. Get a plan and stick to it. I am undecided as to what gym i will sign back up to. They all have their share of pros and cons so its hard to just pick one. Never thought I would be in a position as not to have a gym that was "mine".

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Bartow fun

Dan coming off a cold and my leg workout made our daily wod into some light cardio. A good 20 min sweat.
Run 1/4
25 pushups
Run 1/4
25 pullups
Run 1/4
25 squats
Run 1/4
25 knees to elbows
Run 1/4

Good sweat and a quick one. Got deadlifts on deck this afternoon.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Back in the groove

First old age is a bitch.

Now, I have got to take some time off this heavy lifting. It really sucks to have your mind want one thing and your body decide on a totally different thing. But this is the laws of the land. You realize that you can't do something a certain way and God, in his glory, gives you the one gift that does indeed come with time and age, wisdom. You learn and adapt. Funny how that works out.

Monday, Chris and I took off for a crossfit that should have been a good way to ease back on the horse. Surrrre

Five rounds for time.
Run 1/4 mile
10 hanging clean 95lbs
30 pushups
10 knees to elbows

My time was 22m53s and Chris tool a time right under 27. I feel we should have went with a heavier clean as the 95 felt really light through the whole wod. After I laid out on the floor like I just had someone hit me in the breadbasket. Trainer ask if I was good and I replied yeah I am good better than I have been in awhile.

Tuesday I had plans for a wod with Dan but the weather gods said nay and decided to see if they could drown us. So off to the gym I went. A good squat workout with some slow serious deep squats.

5x5 squats with final set 275lbs
5x5 sissy squats with final set 155lbs
3x10 leg press with final set 460lbs
3 sets walking lunges 80lbs length of gym
1 set of step ups with 70lbs

Overall happy with the squats. Tool my time between sets and focused. I am feeling them today.

Also I've started a new daily workout that I do in conjunction with whatever I do that day. It's a 60 day program. On day one I do:
10 pullups
10 lunges
10 pushups
On day two I add 1 rep to each exercise. Should be interesting by the middle of next month.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Upper body fun times

Today was just a heavy lift day.
5 sets 5 reps of each exercise
Flat bench last set 275lbs
Close grip 225lbs
Two chain sets
Roman chair dips body weight
Pull downs 100lbs
Alternating curls 35lbs
Cable crossover curl 40lbs

Finished with a 1.5 mile run.

Happy 4Th!

Dan has been telling me about this workout for awhile. It was rough as my lower back has not been agreeing with me here of late.
Run 1.5 miles
Swim 10 lengths
Run 1.5 miles
That final 1/4 mile back was a bitch but so glad I got it done.
Run and swim he said. Itll be fun he says.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Monday afternoon funnies.

This elbow. All I'm gonna say on that.

Well today was chest and arms. Hooked up with Matt in the gym and we had a good session. This gym I am working out in. Wow talk about a sweat box. I'm changing clothes and was already sweating.
My lifts and numbers
275lb bench for final set for 3
(elbow didn't like this at all but as Chris says, go heavier.)
3 sets of chains with max rep and lockout for last rep.
40lb shoulder press with a crunch at the end of ROM. 3 sets to failure.
Weighted dips on roman chair. I went up to three plates here on final set but only got 3 reps. Once again my elbow thanked me.
135lb close grip bench, 3 sets for 15 reps.
60-40-20 straight bar curls to failure
30lb isolated Arnold curls, 3 sets for 10 reps

A really good workout. Matt pushed himself and I tried to keep up. This elbow thing doesn't seem to be gettig better. May need to look into an extended break and let this heal up.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Deadlifts are the best!!!!

Wow what a beasty workout. Seriously if you are lucky enough to get a workout like this in once a week you are lucky. I walked out there totally spent and happy for it. The workout went like this.
405lb deadlift for 4
365lb deadlift for 7

225lb short explosive deadlifts 3 sets for 8

405lb above knee lifts 3 sets for 8

315lb shrugs 3 sets for 10

Assisted pullups 15-13-13 reps

100lb seated rows 3 sets for 10

25lb bent over flies

This workout will be felt for days. Bending over isn't so much an option. Walking is a futile endeavor.

Friday, June 29, 2012

And here we go...

Thursday I took off for a run on the lake. My PR here is 24:55. I also decided to try out Nikes new running app on my iPhone. Well my record still stands. The WOD from Wed had taken its toll one and I just kept a good pace and finished the run. The app worked pretty well. Synced with my Nike+ account and kept track as well as could be expected.
Tonight I have deadlifts an with my elbow deciding to give me grief, I may have to tone it down a bit. I'll report after the lift.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Missing in action...

To say I have neglected this site is a gross understatement. Several life changes have pushed me in different directions and in doing so, this blog was left on the back burner on a low simmer. I have hopes of retaining my past glory and getting back here on a regular basis to deliver my little piece of nirvana to the masses.
Well first, my new job had me looking for a new gym. I joined a well established gym here in Lakeland that is known for its powerlifting more so then any sort of crossfit. I was intrigued as I have never tried to lift like this. Well the gym was hardcore to say the least and I have enjoyed it. I have posted some personal bests in my deadlift with a 405lb lift for 4 reps. Not huge numbers but something I am proud of. I believe this gym has helped me in teaching me good form on my main lifts. I also believe this heavy lifting has had its share of adverse effects. Joint discomfort is something new for me and it's something I am not enjoying. Anyways we live and we learn or as Chris says just go heavier!!
My workouts have consisted of Mon-upper body, Tues-squats, Wed-crossfit, Thur-upper body, Fri-deadlifts. It's been a rough few months indeed. May have to rethink my schedule or lifting style to compensate for father time kicking my ass.
My Wednesday crossfits have been fun with different groups and different WODS. Mostly its just Dan and I trying to kill it. Yesterday fun filled extravaganza was hell on both of us. Dan, coming off a cold and myself coming off a week off from the gym.
The WOD went like this:
Run 1/2 mile
50 pullups
Run 1/2 mile
50 pushups
Run 1/2 mile
50 situps
Run 1/2 mile
50 squats
Run 1/2 mile

Call an ambulance. Rough last. Couple of runs but we finished. Time wasn't earth shattering but wasn't my purpose. I guess as you get older you have to realize that you must also exercise being humble. Our bodies, although the most impressive machine on the planet, do indeed get older and keeping them running at their peak is a daily lesson also. Realizing there will always be someone faster and stronger is hard to do at times being in a competitive frame of mind. I must learn to focus on future goals and keep in mind I want this machine to keep running for a very long time.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A case of the Monday blues

1/4 mile run
50 pullups
1/4 mile run
50 leg raises
1/4 mile run
50 pushups
1/4 mile run
50 squats
1/4 mile run

Great sweat. Seriously didn't want to be in the gym yesterday. I've tried to pick up my running to three times a week with two small three mile runs and one big 4-6 mile run. Body is sore and Monday had me in a corner.

Dear Monday, piss off.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lynn.... Why do you hate me so.

Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press (200#)
64 bench
74 pulls

This is all fun till you get the kung fun action grip hands and the aspirations of getting 20 reps per round get blasted like a turkey shoot at the local moose lodge. Plus the fact my hands are just torn up. Note to self: buy wraps.
Chris of course smashed this as he does with anything that has to do with bench press exercises. Like the guy was made to push shit off his chest. Bastard.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A quick rundown

Just kind of hitting some weights this week with no set goals mind you but wanted to make sure I stated active. Monday was legs and I managed a nice 265lb squat for 6 on my last set and it felt good. No spotter, and don't feel safe going much heavier.
Tuesday, Chris wanted to do bench and I'm not sure what's going around but it seems we both had a case of this sucks lets go drink a beer. We stayed with it and managed a PR on bench on 335lbs for 2 on my last set. Felt great!
Today I got a quick run in as my legs are still feeling the squats from Monday. 2.75 miles. Tomorrow I am taking off and I believe we are going to tackle the 42 wod again. Cus you know I don't like walking and all.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

So a two for one

We decided to try to wods today. The first was an L hold for a total of 3 mins with a continuing running timer however whenever you broke the hold, your total timer stopped. Took me about 9 mins to complete. In a word it was awesome and by awesome I mean colonoscopy on live circuit tv at your high school reunion.
For the next wod, we decided that walking isn't high on our list of things to do today so we figured a wod that blasted the legs. Squats anyone?
150 squats
50 pushups
21 pullups
Run 1/2 mile
21 pullups
50 pushups
150 squats
I managed a time of 21:50 and felt like I had been rode hard an put up wet. To top this little extravaganza off I decided a round of walking lunges the length of the gym should really put me in good with the leg gods.

Monday, February 27, 2012

This looks easy...

Famous last words spoken by both the dumb and misinformed.
This looked ALOT easier on paper then it was. The rx did not call for any push press but Chris wanted to get a little shoulder work in. So we decided some push press would do it.

Five rounds
Run 1/4 mile
135lbs cleans, 10 reps
135lbs push press, 10 reps
30 pushups
15 knees to elbows

Well after two rounds of death at 135lbs it was decided to bring the weight down to a manageable 95lbs for last set. Managed three rounds for a time of 22 mins and on Sunday my traps still hated me. Not fun. Chris and his ideas can go take a leap.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My lower back loves me.

Today I felt the need to destroy my back and hams.
For time, 5 rounds
Run 1/4 mile
185lb deadlifts, 21 reps
First few rounds went off without a hitch especially after yesterday's deck of cards. Last couple rounds brought the pain.
Team bring it don't sing it.

Deck of cards like a boss

Off to Bartow for a deck wod with Dan. Decided on 1/2 mile run for first joker and 100 jumping jacks on other joker. Last few cards seemed like they were all pullups. I turned into a Sally. Was trying for sub 30 min time but managed a 31:40 time. Great wod and made me realize how much I missed Bartow.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A quick off day wod

I wanted to get in the gym on my off day for a little cardio and decided on this little jewel.
Run 1/4 mile
50 pullups
Run 1/4 mile
50 pushups
Run 1/4 mile
50 hanging leg raises
Run 1/4 mile
50 free squats
Run 1/4 mile

Managed a 19:14 time and was feeling it at the end. Good stuff for an off day.

Legs slowly coming around...

Yesterday was last week of 5-3-1 before deload week and we had squats up. Felt good thru the workout and I finished with a 21 rep last set at 235lbs with Chris right behind me at 19 reps. We then finished up with the deload military press workout to get caught up. Afterwards, Chris decided we should try his ab wod. Yeah good stuff and good stuff I mean losing a filling good stuff. But I don't plan on letting an ab workout kick my ass. Round two today and I'm gonna come out swinging.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Cindy was in town....bitch.

So our good friend, Frank, decided to join us for a round of Cindy. Chris and I both had visions of grandeur as he felt the calling of 20 rounds in the allotted time. Myself, I wanted to break my record of 20. 21 rounds has eludede every single time. Chris jumped out the gates and crushed 19 rounds but could tell that we have dropped the ball on our crossfit wods. I went next and actually had a plan to do one round every 45secs. Funny how your plans get smacked around by a bitch named Cindy. I too finished with 19 rounds and was just destroyed after. I literally lost it about round 12-13 and my plans of a round per 45secs got shot out the window like a clay trap. Frank took the next round and completed 14 rounds like a boss. This following quote was his text to me after the workout.

"I always see the pictures of u guys laying on the floor whipped by the wod and though theres no way I'm laying my ass all over a nasty gym floor. I was wrong if there had been a Pillow I may have slept there"

Awesome. Cindy claims another one.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Back in the saddle

Been awhile as some personal demons have had a chance to whip my ass. I am making strides in trying to make things right so bear with me. I've taken up a new workout plan that incorporates the basic Olympic lifts. 5-3-1 workout and it's a little different. It works off your 1RM and builds a solid workout from there. In between these I've decided to throw some crossfit wods in for good measure. Today's little jewel came after solid deadlifts workout on Sunday.
25 pullups run half mile
25 hanging leg raises run half mile
25 pushups run half mile
25 squats run half mile
Finished with a time of 24:59

Friday, January 20, 2012

Its been a week of changes

My life is taking on a whole new direction in the next couple weeks and with that I have to admit my workouts this week have been sub-par. The stress is starting to get to me as it was apparent yesterday with a less than spectacular bench. I was going for a 335lb lift but felt that my mind was not focused and it was a wash. I have hopes that with my vacation next week, I will see some clouds clear and focus return. I plan on meeting my friend Bobby for some CrossFit wods at Golds for some ass kicking on an epic level. 


Nike and the advertising team makes a good reason to spend money. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


A special kind of person

After all the years I have worked out and put my body through the different training regimens, people still ask me why. That is a wonderful question. It takes a special mindset to want to go to the gym, to want to hurt and be sore for days after. It takes someone special indeed. People look at me and think that I must have this special desire for this and that it is only gifted to a certain few. People do not realize we all have that within ourselves. We all have the ability to push ourselves. There is a certain enlightenment that comes with pushing your body to extremes that you thought were not possible. This isn't a magic pill, nor something picked up through hereditary workings. My father nor mother were never athletically inclined yet the desire I have came from somewhere. As I stated before, we all have it. I just found mine. The choice is there for each and everyone of us to make. We can sit and watch or we can get up and be the show. It takes a special kind of person to want to be the show but I think we all want to shine, we all want to exceed, to achieve. You have to find that desire. For some it has been bottled up for far too long. Take a chance and just try. I cannot fault those who try and not succeed but only those who never get up off the couch. Being fit is not an unknown, unexplored figment of some fool's imagination. It is a lifestyle choice that, when practiced correctly, has nothing but benefits for those who attempt it. They say the first step is the hardest and it is but without a goal you will never find a need to take that step in the first place. Being healthy is contagious. Put down your smart phone. Get off the couch and hide the remote. Look inwards and ask are you truly happy. Find the time. We all have that special something. You just have to find yours.

A quicky...

My friend showed back up for round two! I decided on a quick one for sake of not deterring him from ever calling me again! 
8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the following
105lb deadlift, cleans, push press
I managed a 10 minute time and considered this a good warm up for a light chest and triceps workout after. I need to look into some kind of recovery supplement because my healing just isn't what it used to be anymore. Body takes a little longer to warm up.  

Monday, January 9, 2012

New fish!!!

Off to the gym with a friend who is interested in trying Crossfit. I figured Cindy would be a good introduction. We sub'd body rows for his pull ups. Give him credit he finished strong with 14 rounds completed. I managed 20 rounds with that 21 PR just out of reach again. I'll get it one day.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Personal records set.

Hit the road for a run on Wednesday and damn it was cold. Must get some cold weather running gear. Managed 2.6 miles in 25mins before the wind just decide to kick yours truly square in the face.
Thursday was chest day and I managed to get a 330lb bench press for my last set which is a new PR for me. Funny how 5lbs can make or break a lift. So much of this game is mental. You have to bring your a game and a clear head to be able to clear those obstacles.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Jack Frost has lost his damn mind....

Well Tuesday's evening festivities were thrown for a loop as Jack Frost decided now that Christmas is over to come and visit us here in Florida. The chest workout was not meant to be. Both Chris and I were feeling rather sluggish from the lack of body warmth, so we decided to get a back and bi workout in with some ab work at the end. Nothing out of the ordinary to report. Overall a good workout. Today I plan on a nice COLD run this evening. Try to find old Jack Frost and bust my foot in his ass. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

First workout of the year!

New year, new direction is my motto this year. Took off to the gym for a nice little chest/back workout and left with a good pump. Yesterday I picked up the Nike+ Sportwatch with GPS as a late Christmas present to myself. (Got to love giftcards!) Watch worked well except I had trouble syncing it with my Nike+ account and I had to reset the watch to factory, losing my 4 mile run. Finished that with a time of 39m28s. Not bad for an old man! I am at 193 miles on my log. I would like to break 400 miles on it this year. We shall see!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last WOD of 2011

By far the hardest chipper wod to date. Just wrecked you after it was done.
42 pullups
42 pushups
42 sumo dead lift high pulls (95lbs)
42 push press (115lbs)
42 dead lifts (225lbs)
42 push press
42 sumo's
42 pushups
42 pullups
I finished right at an hour and I couldn't complete all of the dead lifts. Back had other ideas. Managed 24 of them and just had to stop at that number.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Loved the rugby player throwing his knocked out a boss

I want to sweat...

So I say to Chris. Both of us are feeling the previous day WOD and we wanted a workout that incorporated some bench work so we went with this little jewel.

Run 1000m
Bench press your body weight (me-205, Chris-225) 50 times
Every time you have to rack the weight you must do 15 free squats
Run 1000m

This wasn't too bad but the last run I could feel my core just going to cramp city and I actually had to pause a couple times on the treadmill to stretch out. Some ab work after and overall a good time in the gym. Looking forward to the rest today to recover. Legs are still very upset with me and the deadlifts. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


This...that is all.

Something quick...

Easing Chris back into it yesterday and seeing how those 150 dead lifts from Monday are really talking to me, a quick upper body WOD seemed in order. 

10-1 Pull Ups*
1- 10 Push Press (95#M/65#F)*

*First round, complete 10 Pull Ups and 1 Press. Each round thereafter, complete descending reps of Pull Ups and ascending reps of Press.

My time 6m56sec with Chris edging me out at 6m52sec

Finished up with a mile run (which my legs truly adored) and some ab work. Not a bad little gym session. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The last couple weeks...


What more can I say? Caught the flu bug going around. Holidays crept up and destroyed any hopes of maintaining a strict diet. Workouts sucked. Ate like a fat boy on a diet. All around a very crappy holiday. Managed to get in the gym two or three times and a WOD or two at the park. Very disappointed in my regimen. The new year is going to bring on A LOT of changes in my life and I hope and pray that they will all be good. I want to set some goals for myself in my exercise program as well as my personal life. I have hope that the changes coming will lead me down a path of fulfillment. 

Sat around the house yesterday banging my head against the wall, debating on if I should go to gym or not and almost talked myself out of it. I finally got my clothes on and went down for a nice little WOD that wasn't overall too bad in the first few rounds but I was worked by the end of it. 

10 rounds for time
15 135lb deadlifts
15 pushups

Finished with a time of 24m39s

The deadlifts were not that bad up until the 7th round and then it kicked in and I questioned the sanity of a man who would choose to do 150 reps of deadlifts. Walking and squatting today are both lessons in futility. 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Well last week ended on a good note as I hit my numbers on the bench with a 320lb lift. I look forward to trying for a PR this week of 325lbs. Ran through the rest of the week with some normal gym workouts and finished the week with a WOD combining some running and good movement exercise. 

Run 800 meters
50 pullups
Run 600 meters
50 pushups
Run 400 meters
50 leg raises
Run 200 meters
50 squats

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Off to the races

With the holidays putting my waistline in a rear naked choke, I have to dig deep and attempt to avoid the calling of the pecan pie fairies and the lure of a fat ass. Headed to the gym for a chest and tri workout but ended up completing the 300 WOD with Chris and Mad.
I finished with a 16m59sec time with Chris destroying me with a 15m56sec time. All good.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Holy hell where did 2 weeks go...

Ok, I have had some issues about logging into my blog here so my workouts have been hit and miss. Over the last couple weeks I had a lumberjack kick my ass while Angie laughed at me. A couple deck of cards later and you can call it a wrap. Seriously, I promise to keep better track of this.

Sunday 11/27/11
100 pullups
100 pushups
100 leg raises
100 squats
28 mins and some change but more like 26 mins as I was talking to Chris at the end of the WOD.

Monday 11/28/11
15 Back or Front Squats 135#
15 Knees to Elbows
400m Run
12 Back or Front Squats

12 Knees to Elbows
400m Run
9 Back or Front Squats
9 Knees to Elbows
400m Run
6 Back or Front Squats
6 Knees to Elbows
400m Run
3 Back or Front Squats
3 Knees to Elbows
400m Run

Well Chris talked me into using the eliptical machine instead of the running for this WOD and I blasted my time. I finished with a 12m50s time and Chris shaved almost 4 mins off his PR with a 14m58s time. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

What I am working with this week so far...

Monday was off to the races with a nice little chest workout with Chris. Once again my lifts were awesome and by awesome I mean-poo. Yes poo, a nice big steaming deuce. I find that having a sprained thumb hinders any type of lifting that would require me to to actually hold onto a bar or dumbbell.

Tuesday I took off because a certain game was released Monday night at midnight and I decided to see if a caffeine induced all night game marathon would do me any justice. It did nothing for me but make your host a very tired man on Tuesday so no gym for me!
Wednesday, I met Chris, Brack, and Dalton for a 300 workout. Once again my thumb was a problem but I pushed through it and manged a less than spectacular time of 18 mins and some change. Horrible for this WOD. 
25 pullups
50 135lb deadlifts
50 pushups
50 box jumps
50 floor sweepers
50 100lb clean and jerk
25 pullups

I had some work late so I managed a 2.75 mile run before dark crept up on me. Time change is both a blessing and a problem at times.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday funday

Met with Danny this morning for a nice little deck of cards WOD at Dennison stadium in Winter Haven. We decided on a mile run for one of the jokers and 7 reps of stadium seats run for the other joker. Managed a time of 38:38 which I am happy with. I then decided to hit another run this evening at Lake Howard. 3 miles right before the rain came. So a good day all in all with 4 miles logged in on runs and a nice little butt kicker at the stadium with the deck. We will see how my legs feel tomorrow. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A new video worth the watch

Friday equals Funday

Well Chris talked me out of a run Friday afternoon for a lovely little WOD. As I said before, Chris is turning into a beast on the cardio. I may need to pick up my game. Here is the WOD
400 meter run
40 reps 225lb deadlift
40 tuck jumps
40 reps 95lb push press
400 meter run
For time. 
I managed a 14m43sec with Chris coming up on my heels with a 15m48sec time. Just crushed the last part on the elliptical. 
Tomorrow I am going to try for a two workout day. One early in the morning with my friend Danny and then another in the afternoon with Chris. Might as well start the week off right!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

How I love having a cold...

Well this cold is deciding to put me to the test and that test is if I want to get up in the morning or not...Anyways, last week came and went with a few good WODS but seeing as I was out sick for a couple days, I can tell that my output is  lacking. 
60 pushups
50 pullups
40 leg raises
30 squats
20 dips
10 tuck jumps
5 burpees
Finished with a time of 8m7secs. The cold was kicking my ass throughout this.
I dont remember Chris's time but I think he beat me on this one. 

Good times...

Mad contemplating life and its meaning...
Deck of Cards (in the rain no less...yippee lets try to get over a cold like that!)
Felt good through this, got 2 miles down for the jokers but then the rain just kept coming. Managed to short my app on the ipod with I believe 10-15 cards left. Try to restart app but the rain had other ideas. 

7:30AM run at the stadium. Decided to try to finish that deck of cards. Was a little chilly but felt good to be out in the air. For the jokers, I decided on one mile and one run through stadium stairs which was I think 8 flights. No chin up bar in sight so I used the bike racks and sub'd body rows. Finished with a time of 34mins and some change. After the WOD I took off to the other side of the stadium and ran those flights for a burn out. I have missed stadium running. Got to look into incorporating some more work in there. 

A basic chest workout but the cold was lingering and kicking my ass. Workout was shit to say the least. Lifts were all bad. 245lbs on bench felt heavy. Lucky to get out of there with my dignity. 

This this looked A LOT worse on paper then it really was. Chris and I took to it like a boss.
15 squats 135lbs
15 knees to elbows
Run 400 meters

12 squats
12 knees to elbows
Run 400 meters
9 squats
9 knees to elbows
Run 400 meters
6 squats
6 knees to elbows
Run 400 meters
3 squats
3 knees to elbows
Run 400 meters
I finished this WOD with a 15m30sec time. Chris who by the way is becoming a beast on the eliptical machine, came in at 19m6secs. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Must stay on point...

Its hard to keep coming back to update this thing as I should, knowing that like 3 people may look at this once per year, but I need to get back to daily posts to keep track of times. I have had a few good WODS over the past couple weeks and I should have kept some times down but of course I did not.

Friday I met Chris and Brack for a lovely WOD
For time 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the following:
135lb deadlifts, 135lb clean and jerks, 135lb push press. I managed a 21min time while Chris came in at 22mins. It was Bracks first WOD and he smashed. 
Sunday I met Brack for a nice morning run 2.6 miles for a 23min time. Brack got a mile and half in and called it. 
Monday I met Chris and Mad for a WOD at the gym. Mad has been off for a bit but still knocked it out like a boss. 
60 pushups
50 bodyrows ( I went pullups on this for a challenge)
40 sit ups (I went with hanging leg raises)
30 squats
20 dips
10 box jumps (sub'd tuck jumps)
5 burpees
I finished with a 8 min time with Chris coming in with a 7 min time. Not too bad of a WOD.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Ok, Ive got a little spaced out...

I keep meaning to sign on and update this but I keep forgetting. It isn't like I have a loyal following I guess. More for myself than anything else I guess.

Lets see this week and the last has been a blur. I knocked out a couple wods last week but I misplaced my times and worksheets. No excuse. I am going to make a concentrated effort to keep better records. 

Friday last week we took on this jewel
Hands cannot leave the bar for the duration of the WOD
8 rounds same weight on bar for each exercise 95lbs
8 deadlifts
8 hang and cleans
8 thrusters
8 pushups
This thing was brutal. I had the kung fu action grip by the 3rd round. I was only able to complete 6 rounds in the 20 min time frame and felt like I was used and abused. I really want to tackle this one again.

This past Sunday, Chris and I hit the local high school for a deck of cards WOD with the jokers being box jumps. We managed a pretty good time of 26 mins.

Monday we took on a tabata WOD and Chris smashed my score by I believe 5 points. I have to learn how to complete this WOD. It just kicks my ass every trip.

Tuesday we took on this WOD. It was a quick one but I still felt a good sweat after.
For time
60 pushups
50 body rows
40 situps
30 squats
20 dips
10 box jumps
5 burpees
I finished with a sub 8 min time. Not too bad for an old man. I think the socks were a factor.

Wednesday was a 3.46 mile run for me in 32mins

Thursday we decided to do a WOD called the manhunter
For time
25 pullups
50 deadlifts 135lbs
50 pushups
50 tuck jumps
50 curls 45lb
50 thursters 45lb bar
25 pullups
50 hanging leg raises
I managed a time of 22m46secs with Chris right behind me at 23 mins and some change. Once again, a good ass kicking.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Busy week...

With classes and work kicking into overdrive, it has been a pretty busy week. I managed a 5k run on Monday with a 31 min time. Just could not get into a good pace and felt like ass the whole run. Granted I am getting over a cold so I will lay partial blame to that. Tuesday I headed to the gym for the WOD I shall rename to the ass kicker. I warned Chris about this one and that he would feel it two days later. He believes me now. 

21-15-9 reps of the following with a 1/4 mile run in between each round. 
135lb deadlifts
135lb clean and jerks
135lb push press
I should have wrote the times down but I know I finished with a better record than when I previously attacked this. Chris officially hates this WOD now. 

Thursday we hit the pieces of Angie
20 rounds of the following
5 Pullups
5 Pushups
5 Hanging Leg Rasies
5 Squats
I had hoped for a 15 min time but settled with 16m51s with Chris blasting through it right at 20 mins. Awesome week so far. Hope to finish strong tonight with a good WOD and maybe another 5k this weekend.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Off to the gym for a Friday WOD with Chris and Mad. A pretty simple one on paper yet as we all found out, it was an ass kicker. 

For time complete the following:
50 Push-ups
50 Pull-ups
50 Hanging leg raises
50 Squats
50 Situps
50 Jumping jacks

I managed a time of 14m39secs with Chris a bit over 16. The situps just killed us both. Kudos to Mad for knocking it out!

Friday, September 16, 2011

The week so far...

With class on Monday, I was not able to make it to the gym. I took Tuesday to concentrate on a heavy lift day. Working on my bench, Chris and I decided to complete a 7 round 3 rep WOD with weight progressing thru each round. I finished with a 305 bench for my last round for only 2 reps. I don't feel like its a huge loss seeing as this was my first heavy lift in almost 3 weeks. I was about 15-20lbs off my 1RM. 
Wednesday, Dan and I took to the park for a deck of cards WOD with half mile jokers. I was not prepared for this as I was cramping with the runs. We still finished strong with a sub 38 min time. Not too bad for a couple old guys!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Weekend fun!

Well with the onset of college football, I will be hard pressed to complete a WOD in the evening after working on Saturdays and then NFL kicked off this weekend and my fantasy team required a lot of attention (damn you Cam Newton and my benching of Steve Smith and Olsen).

So Friday was a 3 mile run with 3 rounds of 15 hanging leg raises. The bottom fell out  15 mins before my run but I decided to go anyways after the storm passed but wow was it MUGGY after that shower. Got a really good sweat and was glad I did not sally up and skip this run. 

We know how my Saturday went. A couple of Sam Adams Octoberfest after work and I was done. 

Sunday I decided to try the Tabata Squat WOD. I do not really care for this WOD now. It is not on the Christmas list, lets just say that. The object of the WOD is to preform 20 secs of work with 10 secs of rest for 8 rounds and in this particular version it was 20 secs of free squats with the 10 sec rest coming with you holding the squat portion. Not a whole lot of rest at all involved with that. By the 5th round my thighs were screaming and I will not lie I cheated on the last 2 rounds a bit. The acid burn was brutal. To top off this little jewel you had to complete a 1 mile run. I do not think my legs were going to cooperate with me but I got them going and I just started to blaze it. Finished with 14 Tabata score and an 8:45 mile.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Hi Cindy, how have you been?

Well today Cindy came into town and with her my previous record of 16 rounds. I decided to try to smash that PR and smash I did. 
AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 free squats
I wanted 21 rounds but was only able to squeeze 20 rounds out with about 15secs left on the timer. Chris finished with a strong 16 rounds. A great WOD. Really was drained at the end but felt great.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Barbara is a bitch

Yeah I said it. Not only does Barbs hate me she is out to get me and get me she did. Was solo for this WOD but managed to knock it out with intensity with a time of 35mins. Horrible time but I will work on this.
5 Rounds for time
20 Pullups
30 Pushups
40 Situps
50 Squats

The following day I went to the gym with Chris for this little jewel. Finished with a sub 25 min time.
5 Rounds for time
20 Dips
20 Reverse Pulls
20 Leg Raises
1/4 mile run between rounds

The Labor Day holiday weekend flew by and I only managed to get one run in and a single WOD. Sunday evening I hit a 5k in 31mins and change. 
Monday I took off for the gym for this back breaker...actually then name of the WOD is called Im BAAACCCKKKK.
5 Rounds for time
15 Deadlifts (185#)
15 Pullups
15 Man-makers (30#)
15 Back Extensions
I finished with a 32min time and felt like hammered poo. So much fun this CrossFit.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Deck of cards how I have missed you!

This WOD felt great although I had to do my Jokers at the end for time, I still managed a 2 mile run after it was all said and done. Chris did well and pushed thru it. I am a little sore today but nothing too brutal. Tonight should be fun!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

And here we go...

No class tonight means a night in the gym for a little WOD. I felt great thru the whole workout. I should have upped the speed on the treadmill to get my time a little more respectable but still happy with the 21 min time and the good sweat this workout brought on.
For time
Run 800 meters
50 pullups
Run 600 meters
50 pushups
Run 400 meters
50 hanging leg raises
Run 200 meters
50 squats

Friday, August 26, 2011

Ugggh I have dropped the ball...

It has been a minute since I dropped by and let you all know whats going on in my quest for the perfect workout. No excuse really but with classes and life, sometimes things just get pushed to the side. I will try to stay vigil. 
The last few weeks brought an ending to the program Chris and I were on. My PR's were all better then ever but with that came some serous soreness and pain. The body does not like lifting these numbers. Nope, no sir not one bit. Now that we are done with that I want to get back into some Crossfit WOD's and after the first few I jumped on I can really tell my stamina is seriously lacking. Strength is there but the ability to keep up after a couple rounds...well you get the idea. 

Last week Dan and I went down to the park for a quick and easy WOD. 
3 Rounds for time.
10 pullups
15 pushups
20 squats
Run 1/4 mile
Yeah winded... gas?? None of that but still a good WOD to kick things off. 

Saturday I went in before work and took on this beast
21-15-9 Reps of the following with a 1/4 mile run in between each round.
135lb deadlift
135lb clean and jerks
135lb push press
I finished with a time of 30 mins and some change. I REALLY felt this one the following day(s)!

Yesterday went to the gym with Chris and Dalton to complete this
5 rounds for time
15 reps 185lb deadlift
15 reps toes to bar
Finished with a time of 12 mins and change. Chris knocked it out in 18 mins and change. Got to give props where its due. Chris tackled this like a boss. After my WOD I hit a 2 mile run for 17:45 time. 

I look forward to getting back into the Crossfit regimen and hopefully my body will agree with me. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A new week, new PR's

Well last weeks chest workout was a wonderful success in my eyes. I got 315 for a strong 2 on my last set and it felt good. I decided the following week I would try for another PR and go for 325. Well the chest workout came and I managed to break my record. I got 325 for one but struggled on the last rep. Overall I was very happy for smashing my PR out of the park. I feel I should have went up to 320 which would still have been a PR for me and I perhaps would have made my set. No worries. Live and learn. I really feel like my strength is coming back. My squats are up to 315 and my press this week was 848 which I believe is another PR for me. With the birthday creeping up on me, I am happy to still be able to hang with the young bucks in the gym!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Leg workouts and my disdain for doing them

Another week and another leg workout...How I have missed you so squats. I have longed for the feeling of throwing my lunch up while I do legs. Good times indeed. 

Friday, June 17, 2011

Keeping up

Well three weeks in and I feel great. Getting over that strict leg workout was a bear but feeling better every time I go to squat. My deadlifts are improving. Using the smith machine for strict form helps on off days. Keeping myself to 20 mins of cardio every 3 days is odd and I do miss the ass-kicking that is crossfit. I plan on after my fourth week to take a week off from this workout and do nothing but some gut busting WOD's for a week. I am sure Chris will love this. Last week I was away at a conference and had to make use of the resort's gym and to say it was lackluster is a gross understatement. I worked through it and made do with what I had available. This week has gone well. The soreness is not as bad and I continue to improve my weights. The 12-10-8 rep counts are proving to be taxing and I do feel my bench has lost some overall but hopefully with time this will improve. On deck, a lovely back workout this evening. Cant wait!
The diet has gone well too. I am hovering at 201lbs still. I really had hoped to gain a few pounds by now with all the protein intake but nothing. I will keep up the good fight and chug a few more shakes...

Monday, June 6, 2011


New workout plan, new focus

Well last week I started a 6 day a week training program and along with a new diet I have hopes of conquering some new goals and personal records. This program is working on a 4 day weights and 2 days of cardio in between. I have also really revamped my diet focusing on a high protein/low carb meal plan. What carbs I am taking in, I am trying to make sure they are the whole good variety. Working with a few new supplements to further help me achieve my goals. 

The diet is pretty much straight forward with small meals on a 3-4 hr timeline. I start off the morning with a casein  shake, some egg beaters and a vitamin pack that includes fish oil and my old man vitamin-glucosamine. Mid-morning I work in either a protein bar or a shake. Lunch is usually the chicken breast and vegetable variety. Mid-afternoon another shake or bar. Pre-workout Ill have a small drink to kick juices in and then immediately a post-workout drink with a protein shake to top off.  Dinner is either a small salad with some chicken or just a shake. Before bed I finish off with another casein shake. Whew... a lot to take in.... literally.

The workouts are the same fare. Day 1 dedicated to legs, with day 2 for push exercises, day 3 I am running (2.38 miles in 20 mins btw), day 4 pull work, day 5 arms and shoulders, day 6 cardio again, and day 7 rest thankfully! I am tracking individual lifts and will begin posting here for all to see. I have hope of after this program completion to start up another crossfit regimen. With this workout and diet, I would like to put on about 10lbs reaching a goal of 215lbs body weight. We shall see. Stay tuned!!! 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Raise the bar

Took a nice long run Monday afternoon. Felt good out of the gate with some good music on the ipod and a good pace. Hit 3 miles and felt like going for my own PR. 4.5 into it, the knees started to talk to me. 6 miles into it and the feet were letting me know their dislike of day of running. 7 miles and I was done. My knee had a nice little throb to it and the feet checked out at 6.5 miles. I finished with a time 68 mins with a 9:47 pace. Tuesday I tried to get to gym but felt my body needed the rest to recover. I read the other day as we get older we have to accept we cannot be the young man again lifting running but you can be the best you can be at that given time and if 7 miles is my best then I am happy with it. I would like to push myself and get 10 miles in one day so we shall see. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A good ladder WOD

Off to the gym yesterday with Chris for a beast of a chest workout. Tried a ladder lift for the first time and overall I really liked it. Coming up to 10 wasn't that bad and the countdown from 10 was not horrible. Could feel it at the end. 
Body weight bench press
1 rep rest 30 secs, 2 reps rest 30 secs, 3 reps rest 30 secs and so on up to to 10 full reps then count back down to 1 rep. 
Laying down flys 25-30-30lbs 10 reps per set
Sitting cable press with crossover machine 3 sets 10 reps per
Bent over cable press, 3 sets 10 reps per set
3 rounds of knees to elbows

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Holy hell, where have I been.

Ok this once a month shit is for the birds. I need to get back on point with my training and even more so my blog. I know all five of my followers would love that! Even so I need this for my records, like a mirror that never loses its reflection. I can always come back here and look upon past WOD's and PR's. a slap in the face if you will.
These past few weeks, I have been training fairly well. Mixing up some runs with some weights and a few WOD's for good measure. I have been working this WOD in at least once a week, usually at the start. 
3 rounds for time of the following
20 knees to elbows
50 push ups
50 squats
run 800 meters
In this Florida heat this WOD will put it on you. Hydration is the key because you will sweat like there is no tomorrow. 

Last week, my friend Chris and I tried this WOD. To say it sucked is a serious understatement. I was still hurting a few days after. Of course the 3.5 mile run the day before could have been a factor in the destruction of my legs for a few days. 
4 rounds for time
15 deadlifts (185lbs)
15 decline pushups
15 pull ups
15 thrusters (95lbs)
I managed to get 3 rounds with 5 thrusters done before I called it. Just brutal but I plan on attacking this again in the future with high hopes of finishing the complete WOD.

Yesterday I took in a 5k run with the half way point, completing 3 rnds of knees to elbows, then back on the run. Once again the Florida sun is an unforgiving bitch but still a good sweat. 

 Tonight I plan on a strong chest workout. Will try to put something together crossfit style!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Back in the saddle again

Well its been a minute since yours truly felt well enough for a Crossfit WOD. As we grow older injuries that take so much longer to heal also tend to linger and never let you truly forget that they will ever leave! Well Chris and I took to the local Anytime Fitness for a upper body WOD. It felt really good to sweat like that again in the gym. The past few weeks have been sort of lackluster as far as my overall performance. I have hopes of continuing the trip to a full recovery and jumping feet first back into the pool of Crossfit. 
The WOD:
21-15-9 reps of the following for time
95lb hang and cleans
95lbs push press
body weight dips
Run 1/4 mile between rounds